Furniture Refinishing Gallery
countryside decorating is dedicated to old school ideas in providing excellent results on furniture refinishing projects. each piece has it's own unique history and we look forward to hearing their stories. this type work is not rushed. turnaround times and costs will vary in relation to piece size and project difficulty.
brown dresser
this smaller dresser with six drawers resides in a mother-in-law suite. it was finished to match two nightstands which sit on the opposite side of the bedroom from it. a drawer from one of the nightstands was used as our color and appearance match.
finished result

the work

two different potential base colors were considered here before the top one, seen in the photo below, made it clear that it was a near perfect match in this case.
it's name is "weathered white".

tv dresser
this was finished from a color perspective to match a set of bar cabinets just on the other side of the fireplace so that they would serve to offset each other. the bar cabinets work can be seen in the final photo set at the bottom of our home page.
finished result

the work

tabletop refinish
in the first image this drop leaf table
can be seen just after it's arrival back at "headquarters". the remainder of the series show it's trip through various steps in the refinishing process. this piece has been in the client's family for quite some time and has a high level of sentimental value attached to it. the main idea from a refinishing aspect was to clean up all of the different scratches and dings from years gone by while maintaining the woodgrain's beautiful appearance. in the final photo it has assumed it's rightful position back in a small dining section just off the kitchen in this home.

finished result