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Countryside Decorating

Cabinet Painting - Furniture Painting & Refinishing - Interior & Exterior Painting - Stain & Varnish Wood

We focus on simple ideas.
After 40 years our history speaks for itself. 
Superior craftsmanship, respect for client property,
professional appearance and good communication.
We provide excellent results and outstanding service
for people that choose to hire us.

Since 1981

Rece​nt Work Gallery

  helene damage remodel  

the walls at this location have suffered severe flooding damage and were demo'd up to about the 2-3 foot mark. the floors have already been completely replaced in these four photos of the master bedroom, taken from the estimate visit. the homeowners have decided to go with a different color scheme during the rebuilding process and have chosen SW 6224 "Mountain Air" for the walls.

  rebuilding the master suite  

the walls in this area were the most severe of the four rooms done. after the paper removal work, some extensive rebuilding and repairing via drywall mud was required. that story and a few finishing photos of the ceiling, trim and walls are included below.

drywall repairs aspect

spraying liquid mask on the french doors.

  more wallpaper removal repairs  

in these initial photos from the master suite work, the wallpaper and the border seen in the before shot below are being removed in favor of having the walls painted.


interior painting

the removal

interior painting
interior painting
interior painting

  wallpaper removal repairs  

the paper and the chair rail seen in the before photo below were both removed in this bedroom by new homeowners. we repaired all the resulting peripheral wall damage . new wall color is "lotus flower" sw6310. sheen is satin.


interior painting

getting started

interior painting
interior painting

mixing up some primer

repairing walls from chair rail demo

interior painting
drywall repairs
interior painting

finished result

interior wall painting

  interior painting 

the new wall color for this bedroom is "white heron" from benjamin moore.

interior walls painting

"a classic bright white with the slightest cool cast."

interior walls painting

  windows metal refinishing  

years of sun and weather have taken their toll.

these before and after photos are being posted here in order to reflect the type of visual improvement possible in these type cases.

exterior window metal in poor condition.
the window metal's appearance after the refinishing work was completed.

  garage closets reset  

  both of these areas appear to have sustained water damage at various points in the past. from the old hot water heater in the left side closet and from the washer in the right side.

  the water heater/sink side  

existing condition of a water heater closet in a garage.
left side of the sink closet.
right side of the sink closet.
water heater platform is gone now after some demo work in this closet.

   the laundry side  

a washer and dryer in their garage closet area prior to the work starting.
empty laundry closet after removing the washer and dryer.
a putty knife showing delaminating material flaking off the wall
wall area that needs patching after water damage.

  finished photos

sink closet after all the painting work was completed.
sink closet after all the painting work was completed.
laundry closet after all the painting work was completed.
laundry closet after all the painting work was completed.

  damaged limestone table repairs  

  two tables have each suffered from being knocked over at various points and having bits and pieces chipped out of their perimeter edges. in the pics below the edge damage can be seen and the start of their journey back to looking the way they were meant to has begun.

two small limestone end tables being transported for repair
the smaller of the two edge divits
the larger perimeter edge divit
one of the table repair materials used


  this table repair is complete and it's ready to get transported back home. several things were at play for this project including what to use on the repairs, matching the contour of the table's edge curve and creating a reasonable match on the actual limestone surface "dimples". once those issues were all addressed, a lower sheen clear coat was added to the program for spill protection.

limestone table after all repairs have been completed

  exterior before's 

  these photos show an older home's condition prior to refreshing the existing color scheme and washing both the driveway and the side entry area's fencing and slab.

dirty driveway about to get pressure washed
mold and mildew issues on the north side of the home
mold and mildew issues on the north side of the home
close-up view of lichens growth on the north side of this home

  after photo's 

the driveway looks much improved after pressure washing
front of the home after painting
north side of the home after painting
countryside decorating's work vehicle

  more cabinet painting samples 

  these are a mix of both satin and semi-gloss sheen's.

the drawer front in the foreground was left with a small section of it's original finish to illustrate it's before and after appearance in this case.

four cabinet painting samples

  honey oak cabinet sample 

this door was done using leftover material from a

master bath cabinet set. the sheen is semi-gloss.

oak cabinet door sample before being painted
oak cabinet door sample after being painted

  stain & varnish  


a beautiful bench waiting to get transported to it's new home. the original slats didn't survive the strain of this project's overall goals and a decision was made that they be discarded due to excessive weathering issues over time. new ones were purchased, cut to size, drilled and confirmed for fit. these were then stained to the color and appearance seen here. our part in this project was more of an informal behind the scenes consulting and troubleshooting role as we did not participate in the actual finishing work but felt we must salute the great looking outcome nonetheless.

stain and varnish work on a park bench

  stain & varnish restoration  


this door's condition had deteriorated over the course of many years. sun and water damage along with varying levels of mildew can be difficult to overcome once the original coating has been worn down.

old stain and varnished door in poor condition

it was first removed from it's hinges and then arranged on a set of sawhorses in order to facilitate proper prep. several towels were used as pads to protect the reverse side from damage during this process.

sanding prep on an old wood door
sanding prep on an old wood door

creating a pleasing appearance without knowing what the door looked like in it's original condition involved some subjective decision making from those participating in the restoration process. moving closer to a brown result with hints of red added in here and there was ultimately chosen in favor over the more orange-like look this door initially presented once it had been stripped entirely.

stain matching on an older wood door
stain matching on an older wood door

as the clear coat work begins, the varied coloration of this door's wood grain can truly be seen, especially in the two bead board type insert areas.

spraying clear polyurethane as a protectin coat
spraying clear polyurethane as a protectin coat

this door's transformation is nearly complete as the clear work wraps up. going forward it will require periodic maintenance coats of the protective material used as mother nature and florida's severe weather conditions will eventually overpower even the finest efforts.

spraying clear polyurethane as a protectin coat
spraying clear polyurethane as a protectin coat

finished result

vintage wood door restoration final result

   cabinet painting  


the evolution continues at this longer term remodeling project. in this photo series the work that was done on an extended run of cabinets can be seen from beginning, in progress, as well as a final results photo or two. a decision was made prior to starting to defer on doing the cabinet fronts here for now, in order to focus on other areas of the home going forward. at least one unknown item had prevented the top from being a uniform finish across it's entire surface with prior ownership and it's outline is visible in the first photo below. color here was matched to the existing green. sheen used was satin.

long section of cabinet top painting
closer view of long section of cabinet top painting
masking off of cabinet top for spraying
spraying finish on a cabinet top
distant view of long section of cabinets being sprayed
finished view of a long section of painted cabinets
finished view of a long section of painted cabinets
finished view of a long section of painted cabinets

   tabletop refinish   


in the first image this drop leaf table can be seen just after it's arrival back at "headquarters". the remainder of the series show it's trip through various steps in the refinishing process.

this piece has been in the client's family for quite some time and has a high level of sentimental value attached to it.

the main idea from a refinishing aspect was to clean up all of the different scratches and dings from years gone by while maintaining the woodgrain's beautiful appearance.

in the final photo it has assumed it's rightful position back in a small dining section just off the kitchen in this home.

drop leaf tabletop transported to shop for refinishing
drop leaf tabletop's appearance prior to refinishing
sanding prep on one of the drop leafs
identifying spot repairs using blue tape
mixing custom colored wood putty for repairs work
wood putty repair areas after patching
sanding with the grain on a drop leaf tabletop
spraying the finish coat on a tabletop
drop leaf table's appearance after being restored
drop leaf table's appearance after being restored

   cabinet painting   


these before, during and after photos from a recent master bathroom remodel show a pasco county cabinet set going from its original appearance over to a different blue.

the new color is sw9150 Endless Sea. the new sheen chosen was

semi-gloss. the homeowners have already begun working on some of the changes in the first photo by checking out some new drawer pull options.

master bath cabinet painting and remodeling project
master bath cabinet painting and remodeling project

after a decision was made to retain the existing doors & drawer fronts, stripping efforts on the old coating have begun. refilling the old drawer pull mounting holes was also required. sanding in this instance was done by

both machine and hand.

paint removal on cabinet doors
puttying drawer handle mounting holes
Surfprep sanding on cabinet doors

primer is drying down, followed by more sanding.

spraying black primer on cabinet doors
sanding cabinet door primer
cabinet door primer

medicine cabinet doors getting masked for spraying.

medicine cabinet doors masked off ready for spraying
medicine cabinet doors masked off ready for spraying

out with the old and in with the new.

cabinet door drying after just being sprayed
painted cabinet doors and drawers ready for reinstallation

  final result 

finished result on a master bath cabinet painting and remodeling project

  cabinet painting 


this series shows the transformation of a pasco county kitchen cabinet set from its original appearance over to a more contemporary look. the homeowners chose untinted white in satin for the finish. progress photos below. 

tub full of sheets for wrapping cabinet doors
before view of cabinet doors being removed for painting
miscellaneous prep and masking tools for protecting cabinets from overspray
miscellaneous prep and masking tools for protecting cabinets from overspray
miscellaneous prep and masking tools for protecting cabinets from overspray
miscellaneous prep and masking tools for protecting cabinets from overspray
kitchen cabinets after being sprayed with primer
kitchen cabinets after being sprayed with primer
sanding tool for kitchen cabinets
spraying the finish on kitchen cabinets
sorting door hardware for reinstalling cabinet doors
sorting door hardware for reinstalling cabinet doors
finished view of kitchen cabinet wine rack after being sprayed
finished view of kitchen cabinets after being painted
finished view of kitchen cabinets after being painted
finished view of kitchen cabinets after being painted
finished view of kitchen cabinets after being painted

  bedroom remodel 


this area may have originally been an

office with a small side bar in it but after some consideration, the homeowners here have made several changes in creating another bedroom. among them are new flooring, demo'ing out of the side bar's cabinets and adding organizer shelving in the closet space.

bedroom remodel before view
bedroom remodel before view
bedroom remodel before view
bedroom remodel before view
view of the bedroom remodel demo in progress
view of the bedroom remodel demo in progress
view of the bedroom remodel demo in progress
view of the bedroom remodel demo in progress
a note from the homeowners on what not to paint
bedroom remodel almost completed view
punch out tools laid out for wrapping up this bedroom remodel
finished view of the closet remodel result
after photo of the bedroom now that all remodel work is complete

  bookcases refinishing 


twin bookcases surrounding a fireplace get a new look in this photo series from work that occurred in the fall of last year.

before view of fireplace bookcases before being painted
sanding bookcases prior to spraying the primer
tape brown paper and other masking supplies
taking a break for coffee while spraying primer on bookcases
checking a color swatch against the bookcases color
breaking down our temporary inside spray booth after spraying bookcases
finished view of bookcases
finished view of bookcases
finished view of bookcases

  custom finish on tongue & groove ceiling 


the homeowners here have replaced an older lanai ceiling that had originally been done with drywall. the prior ceiling had been patched several different times and was in poor condition overall. after discussing various different looks with them and creating several samples, a white look was decided upon. a four inch brush was used in order to achieve the final result. the goal here was adding a fine and beautiful accent to the ceiling without burying the woods natural appearance.

before view on a custom color finished tongue and groove ceiling
before view on a custom color finished tongue and groove ceiling
a custom mixed can of white finish
the finishing process in progress on this ceiling after masking surrounding areas
the finishing process in progress on this ceiling after masking surrounding areas
the finishing process in progress on this ceiling
custom whitewash finish on a tongue and groove ceiling nearly complete
view of tongue and groove ceiling after custom whitewash finish was completed

  cypress run fireplace wall remodel 


these photos represent the general progression which has taken place. the very first picture depicts this wall in it's original form prior to the work truly starting. one item has however gotten a jumpstart in the process and that is the new countertop at left of the fireplace. it's seen here in unfinished form. it has been pre-installed and was long enough to provide enough surplus material to create the three floating shelves seen above it.

view of a fireplace wall prior to remodeling work beginning
closer view of bar section on a fireplace wall remodel
color sample on a bare wood bar top prior to staining and varnishing
transporting the bar top pieces back to base for finishing
cabinet drawer fronts in poor prior condition
cabinet door in poor prior condition before painting
cabinet door in poor prior condition before painting
before and after view of cabinet drawer front after sanding prep was done
before and after view of cabinet door after sanding prep was done
before and after view of cabinet door after sanding prep was done
view of a fireplace wall midway through the remodeling process
applying a custom whitewash finish to the fireplace brick
setting up an hvlp sprayer to spray the bar cabinetry
close up view of the fireplace after remodeling work was completed
view of a repainted cabinet door and the new bar top's custom finish
bar top after getting a black stained finish and a polyurethane protection coat
finished view of the bar area to left of the fireplace
final finished view of this fireplace wall after all the remodeling work was completed

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Countryside Decorating Inc.

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